Energy Efficiencies - Heating and Cooling

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Choose Energy Efficient Appliances

Cooling and heating a business can guzzle a lot of energy. Choosing an energy efficient appliance cuts your electricity bills and is better for the environment.

  • Always check the energy rating labels when you are shopping for a new appliance.
  • Use a power meter to check how much power an appliance is using.  

The NSW Climate and Energy Action webpage provides useful information on how to buy an energy efficient air conditioner for your business, how to save on heating and cooling costs in different seasons of the year and recycling information for old air conditioning units. 

Use the energy rating calculator  to find energy efficient appliances for your business. This calculator lets you compare different makes and models expected running costs before you buy. 

Solar Power

More Australian business are embracing the benefits of solar energy to help them reduce their energy bills and emissions.

Solar can help you and your business turn an urban roof into an energy powerhouse and help you save money at the same time.

The Clean Energy Council webpage has useful information on how you can get solar for your business, how to resolve complaints about rooftop solar and storage. 

Understanding your Energy Bill

The NSW Climate and Energy Action website has useful and simple to read information on how to read your energy bill as well as links to how your bill is calculated, altering energy supply, switching providers and more. 

Watch this video to gain a better understanding on your energy bill


 Implement energy savings

The Federal and State Governments have released valuable tips to assist businesses in implementing energy-saving measures.

One key area to focus on is heating and cooling, as HVAC systems can account for up to 50% of energy usage in office spaces or buildings. Enhancing window efficiency and wall insulation, sealing doors and windows, optimising existing HVAC systems, and upgrading to more efficient systems are effective strategies.

Lighting is another significant contributor to energy consumption, and businesses can maximise natural lighting, use lights efficiently, and switch to energy-efficient lighting options. Making small changes to office appliances and equipment, such as using laptops instead of desktop computers and employing timers, can lead to substantial savings.

Additionally, businesses can consider generating their own energy through solar PV systems, battery storage, or other renewable technologies. Switching to fuel-efficient or electric vehicles can also result in significant cost savings and reduce emissions. Various government rebates and assistance programs are available to support businesses in financing energy-saving initiatives.

For more detailed information and resources visit and