Submitting an application


Before you start your application, check out our: Development Application and Construction Certificate Self Help Guide

This guide has been designed by us to assist you through the DA and CC process. This guide emphasises the importance of having all information prepared up front to ensure an efficient process, saving time and money and helping us process applications faster.



Development Approvals

The below are the two most common pathways to obtain Development consent for your project

Complying Development (CDC)

1. Prepare

Make use of the services we provide to assist you prepare your Complying Development Certificate (CDC) application; this includes resources like templates, checklists, mapping information and personal guidance from our Planners, Building Surveyors or Accredited Certifiers.

NSW Planning have developed a document checklist which will help guide you in preparing your CDC application. If you are unsure about what specific documents you will need, please speak with one of our Planners, Building Surveyors or Accredited Certifiers.

If the CDC application process is unfamiliar to you or is complex in nature, we recommend you reach out to a professional consultant before submitting an application to ensure that key planning considerations and information requirements have been addressed. 

Your CDC application must address all relevant matters up-front in your application as there is no opportunity for requests for additional information available in the process. The proposal must strictly comply with the design standards with in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 to be deemed a CDC appropriate scheme, and is 'fast tracked' to be determined within 10 days by the certifier as required by the legislation.

2. Register

Prior to being able to submit an Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account. 

Register or log in .

3. Apply

Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to lodge your CDC. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

Apply for a CDC

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you via email after we've received your CDC. Your CDC will not be officially lodged until all outstanding fees have been paid.

5. Assessment

Our Accredited Certifier will assess the CDC against all the relevant planning controls and legislation.

6. Determination

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Accredited Certifier. You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal. 

7. Post Consent Approvals

Once you have received your CDC, you will be able to follow the advice in your CDC paperwork as to what further approvals/certificates/authorities you will then need to seek and have approved. Common Post Consent approvals/certificates/authorities can include; Local Government s. 68 permits, s.138 Roads Act consents, Compliance Certificates and an Occupation Certificates.



Development Application (DA)

1. Prepare

Make use of the services we provide to assist you prepare your application. This includes resources like our Development Application and Construction Certificate Self Help Guide found on our forms page, as well as mapping information, how to get personal guidance from our Planners and Surveyors and more.

The documents' that need to accompany a Development Application will vary depending on your proposal and the site. If the application process is unfamiliar to you, or complex in nature, we recommend you reach out to a professional consultant before submitting an application to ensure that key planning considerations have been addressed. 

The type of information that generally accompanies a Development Application may include:

Your Development Application should address all relevant matters, up-front, in your Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE). This will help to avoid additional information requests, and will help to ensure an efficient and smooth process.

NSW Planning also has a useful Guide to the DA process, which includes documents and drawings. 


2. Register

Prior to being able to submit an Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account. 

Register or log in .

3. Apply

Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to lodge your Development Application. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

Apply for a DA

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you via email after we've received your Development Application. Your Development Application will not be determined until all outstanding fees have been paid.

5. Assessment

Our Planning team will assess the application against all the relevant planning controls and legislation. Often applications are referred to external organisations (like Essential Energy or FRS) and neighbouring properties for comment as part of the assessment. You will generally not need to be involved in this process, unless the application is incomplete, and you are asked to provide additional information - this can cause delays in processing times. 

6. Determination

Your application will either be Determined (approved) and you will receive your Development Consent, or the application will be refused by the Planning Department. You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal. 

7. Post Consent Approvals

Once you have received your Development Consent, you will be able to follow the advice in your Development Application Determination paperwork as to what approvals you will then need to apply for.

Common Post Consent approvals/certificates/authorities can include; Local Government section 68 permits, section 138 Roads Act consents, Compliance Certificates and Occupation Certificates.

Typical Development Application process

DA timeline


Other Approvals

Construction Certificate (CC)

While receiving your development consent is worth celebrating, it does not mean that you can start building work. A Construction Certificate (CC) will confirm that your construction plans are consistent with the development consent, as well as complying with the Building Code of Australia and council requirements.

1. Prepare

Make use of the services we provide to assist you prepare your application. This includes resources like our Development Application and Construction Certificate Self Help Guide found on our forms pageas well as how to get personal guidance from our Building Surveyors and more.

Your Construction Certificate application will generally include:

  • Detailed building plans
  • Engineering details and specifications.

The plans will most likely contain a lot more information than your approved DA plans, to allow your builder to work directly from them.  If you are unsure about what specific documents you will need, please speak with one of our Building Surveyors or reach out to a professional consultant. 

Any plan changes that are inconsistent with the DA plans would need to be assessed as to whether an application to modify the development consent is required (see Modifications and Reviews). 

2. Register

Prior to being able to submit any Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account (you may have already created an account to submit your Development Application, you can use the same login details). 

Register or log in 

3. Apply

Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to apply for your CC. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

As part of the lodgement process, you will need to appoint a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) to monitor construction – this can be your council or an accredited certifier.

Apply for a CC

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you via email after we've received your CC. Your CC will not be officially lodged until all outstanding fees have been paid.

5. Assessment

Our Building Surveyors will assess the construction plans and development specifications are consistent with the development consent, as well as complying with the Building Code of Australia and council requirements. 

You will generally not need to be involved in this process, unless the application is incomplete, and you are asked to provide additional information - this can cause delays in processing times. 

6. Determination

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Building Department. You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal. 


Before you can start works

  1. Give the council and the PCA two days’ notice before you start work.
  2. Complete any works listed in the ‘Prior to commencing work’ part of the consent.

During Construction 

As owner your role is to work with the PCA and the builder, keeping an eye on the work (and the terms of your development consent), managing the site and organising inspections. The PCA will brief the builder and you about the process. You have a role in ensuring that your team follows the procedures required for organising inspections – missing an inspection can lead to delays. Inspections required generally include:

  • Piers
  • Slab
  • Frame
  • Stormwater
  • Wet area
  • Final.

You should also keep your neighbours informed and report any complaints to the builder and the PCA.

Keeping a close eye on the work and being sure it is consistent with the development consent and any conditions attached is very important. Orders can be issued by council to stop work and fix any errors. This can cost time and money or even lead to penalties. The EP&A Act specifies enforcement measures that can be applied if a development is not built in accordance with its consent.

Subdivision Works Certificate (SWC)

Subdivision Works Certificate (SWC) s required before commencing any physical activity authorised to be carried out in connection with a development consent for the purpose of a subdivision.

Works for the construction of the subdivision include physical works such as:

  • Civil Works
  • Sewerage works
  • Roadworks in connection with appropriate conditions of consent
  • Earthworks in connection with appropriate conditions of consent

The SWC certifies that subdivision work will be completed in accordance with specified plans and specifications and will comply with any requirements in the regulations.

A SWC is issued by a certifier (either Council or accredited certifier).

A SWC is issued at the start of the construction process, prior to the commencement of any subdivision works, much like building works under a Construction Certificate. A SWC operates in the same manner as Construction Certificate but is for subdivision works only.

A SWC certifies that subdivision works carried out will be consistent with development consent, and that these works will meet all regulatory requirements.

The issue of a Construction Certificate for subdivision works ceased after 1 December 2019 unless the development consent was granted before 1 December 2019, in which case a CC may be issued for subdivision works.

The SWC should not be confused with a Subdivision Certificate. A ‘subdivision certificate’ is issued at the end of the development/construction process and authorises the registration of a plan of subdivision under Part 23 of the Conveyancing Act 1919.  The requirement for a SWC does not alter the requirement for a Subdivision Certificate.

The issuing of a Subdivision Works Certificate does not negate the need for a Construction Certificate for building works.

A SWC does not apply to complying development certificates and some Crown developments.

1. Prepare

Make use of the services we provide to assist you prepare your SWC application; this includes resources like templates, checklists, mapping information and personal guidance from our Planning and Building team.

We recommend using the services of a Planning Consultant and other suitable qualified professionals to assist you in preparing a complete SWC application.

2. Register

Prior to being able to submit any Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account (you may have already created an account to submit your Development Application, you can use the same login details). 

Register or log in 

3. Lodge  

Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to lodge your SWC. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

Lodge a SWC

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you via email after we've received your SWC. Your SWC will not be officially lodged until all outstanding fees have been paid.

5. Assessment

Our Building and Planning and Engineering Departments will assess the SWC Application against all relevant planning legislation and building codes. 

You will generally not need to be involved in this process, unless the application is incomplete, and you are asked to provide additional information - this can cause delays in processing times. 

6. Determination

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Planning Department. You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal.  

Roads Act Application (RA)

Roads Act (RA) application, often referred to as a 'Section 138' is required when there are proposed within the road reserve.

A road reserve is the section of land between property boundaries, divided by a road. The road reserve often contains the verge, nature strips, street trees, footpaths & cycleways, kerb & gutter, vehicle parking bays, bus stops, public signage, essential services (such as street lighting, water, sewer, electricity, and telecommunications infrastructure), and the carriageway of the road itself.  In some cases, property owner assets such as driveway crossovers and water connection pipes or fittings may be included in a road reserve classification.



Road reserves contain either local roads, or state and regional ‘classified’ roads.  Local roads are in the care and control of the Council, whereas state and regional classified roads are in the care and control of the NSW State Government.  The two state agencies involved are Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) that have jurisdiction over roads such as highways, main roads, secondary roads, tourist roads, and transitways.

Section 138 Roads Act applications are lodged with and determined by the relevant jurisdictional body, being either Council for works within local roads, or TfNSW and RMS for works affecting State and Regional Classified Roads.  The NSW Road Network Classifications administered by TfNSW can be viewed here.

Works within the road reserve may include activities like:  

  • opening a road (digging in or creating a trench through or under a kerb or footpath)
  • erecting, removing or interfering with a structure, work or tree on a public road (includes using small and/or large machinery on a public road)
  • pumping water into a public road from adjoining land
  • driving any vehicle across a kerb or footpath
  • creating a temporary vehicle crossing
  • connecting a road (whether public or private) to a public road.

You should contact TfNSW and RMS for information and requirements for works affecting State and Regional Classified Roads.

The following information relates to s.138 Road Act Applications affecting local roads that are in the care and control of the Council.

1. Prepare

Make use of our Development Engineering Standards to assist you prepare your RA application.

If you are unsure what to include in your application, you can reach out to our Development Engineering Department. If you are unfamiliar with the application process or your application is somewhat complex, we recommend you reach out to a suitable qualified professional to assist you prepare your application.

Your RA application will often include:

  • Site Plan including drawings of proposed works (these may be based on Council’s standard drawings for vehicles crossings modified to suite the existing situation).
  • relevant supporting documentation as indicated in the development consent.
  • details of any non-conforming designs and justification for proposing use
  • A Traffic Management Plan
  • Copy of Public Liability insurance 
  • Risk Assessment/Safework method Statement

2. Register

Prior to being able to submit any Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account (you may have already created an account to submit your Development Application, you can use the same login details). 

Register or log in 

3. Apply 

Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to apply for your RA. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application. 

Apply for a RA

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you via email after we've received your RA. Your RA will not be officially lodged until all outstanding fees have been paid.

5. Assessment

Our Development Engineers will assess the plans and specifications. Depending on the nature of the works, your application may require an inspection prior to works commencing and following the completion of works. If this is required for your application, our team will contact you.   

6. Determination

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development Engineering Department. You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal. 


Local Government s.68 Application (LG)

A new process for submitting Local Government s.68 Applications to Council is currently being developed. 

In the meantime, please use our Application for Local Government Activities form found on our forms page.

Please submit the form to Council either over the counter or via email

If you need assistance completing the form, please contact our Customer and Business Services Department on (02) 6655 7300

Occupation Certificate (OC)

The Occupation Certificate authorises the occupation and use of a new building or building section.

For staged works, Interim Occupation Certificates were previously able to be issued to allow you to occupy the completed part of the building, however, these provisions were repealed from the EP&A Act in 2019. Whilst an interim occupation certificate is no longer available, staged occupation of a building is still be permitted.

In the case of development approved to be constructed and occupied in stages, each stage may be completed and become suitable for occupation before the overall development is finished. To accommodate this, an occupation certificate for part of the partially completed building can be issued.

In the case of a staged development though, be aware that:

  • The occupation certificate will only be issued for that part of the building deemed ‘occupiable’.
  • Any such occupation certificate issued only permits the occupation and use of the portion of the building to which the certificate relates; and
  • In the case of partially completed building, an occupation certificate may be issued for part of the building only if the incomplete works do not pose a health or safety risk to the occupants or the public.


1. Prepare

You will not need to prepare any paperwork for your OC Application.

2. Register

Prior to being able to submit any Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account (you may have already created an account to submit your Development Application, you can use the same login details). 

Register or log in 

3. Apply 

Submit your application.

Apply for an OC

4. Pay

You will generally not be charged for the lodgement of our Occupation Certificate. This Final Occupation inspection is usually included in the Construction Certificate costs. 

5. Assessment

Principal Certifier must be satisfied the development meets various regulatory standards. These generally include that:

  • A development consent is in force.
  • The design and construction of the building is not inconsistent with the development consent.
  • Any pre-conditions set out in the consent, or requirements of planning agreements, and any conditions of consent requiring payment of levies (such as for reticulated water and sewer systems, or public infrastructure such as roads and community facilities) have been satisfied.
  • A Construction Certificate (CC) has been issued.
  • That the building is suitable for occupation (in accordance with its Building Code of Australia (BCA) classification).

6. Determination

Issuing the OC for the whole of the development is the last step in the formal Development Application (DA) and construction process (though there could be ongoing ‘operational’ conditions such as maintaining appropriate noise levels or landscape maintenance).

You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal.  

Subdivision Certificate (SC)

When subdivision works are completed, a Subdivision Certificate (SC) can be applied for.  

A SC certifies that the subdivision plan has been completed in accordance with the relevant development consent or complying development certificate (CDC), in the case of complying development; and Authorises the registration of the subdivision plan for lodgement with the NSW Land and Property Information.

1. Prepare

Make use of the services we provide to assist you prepare your SC application; this includes resources like templates, checklists, mapping information and personal guidance from our Planning and Building team.

We recommend using the services of a Planning Consultant and other suitable qualified professionals to assist you in preparing a complete SC application.

The following documentation would generally be required for a Subdivision Certificate:

  • A subdivision plan,
  • A copy of the relevant development consent (if a development application was lodged) or a CDC (if permitted under Complying Development),
  • A copy of any relevant subdivision works certificate or subdivision construction certificate,
  • A copy of an operative development consent and evidence of compliance with any conditions required to be fulfilled prior to issuance of subdivision certificate,
  • A copy of detailed subdivision engineering plans,
  • A certificate of compliance from the Water Authority (where relevant),
  • Evidence that required drainage easements have been acquired by the relevant council (where relevant),
  • Additional requirements for Subdivisions involving subdivision work as follows;
    • Evidence of completion of any required subdivision work, or
    • Evidence that an agreement has been reached with the relevant consent authority as to payment for the cost of the work and the time for carrying out the work, or
    • Evidence that an agreement has been reached with the relevant consent authority as to security to be given to the consent authority with respect to the completion of the work.
    • Anything else specified in Clause 157(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2021.

2. Register

Prior to being able to submit any Application through the NSW Planning Portal, you must create an account (you may have already created an account to submit your Development Application, you can use the same login details). 

Register or log in 

3. Apply

An application for a SC may only be made by the owner of the land or any other person with the consent (in writing) of the landowner.

Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to apply for your SC. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

Apply for a SC

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you via email after we've received your SC. Your SC will not be officially lodged until all outstanding fees have been paid.

5. Assessment

Our Planning Department will assess the SC Application against all relevant planning and Council legislation. Before a Subdivision Certificate is issued, the relevant consent authority or registered certifier must be satisfied that the matters specified in Section 6.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 have been addressed.

You will generally not need to be involved in this process, unless the application is incomplete, and you are asked to provide additional information - this can cause delays in processing times. 

6. Determination

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Planning Department. You will receive the notifications via email. All documents can be accessed via your account with the NSW Planning Portal.  


Local Government (S.68) Approvals (LG's)

Approval to Operate (ATO) an Onsite Sewage Management System (OSMS)

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval of Council is required to operate an Onsite Sewage Management System (OSMS). 

1. Prepare

Fill out the below application form found on Council's forms page:  

Local Government (S.68) Application Part C Management of Waste Approval to Operate an Onsite Sewage Management System (DEV-008)

3. Apply

Lodge your application by sending it to  or by bringing in a hard copy to our Council Administration building. 

4. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card. 

5. Inspection

Our Customer and Business Services department will liaise with you (the applicant) when booking in a time for an inspection. You can request either a morning or afternoon inspection.

6. Issue of ATO

If your system/s passes the inspection, an ATO will be issued to the applicant. If works are required, you will receive written notification, detailing what works need to be carried out before an ATO can be issued. If another inspection will be required, and additional fees may apply. 

Installation or modification of an Onsite Sewage Management System (OSMS)

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required to install or modify an Onsite Sewage Management System (OSMS).

1. Prepare

Fill out the below application form found on Council's forms page

Local Government (S.68) Application Part C - Management of Waste - Approval for Installation or Modification to an Onsite Sewage Management System (DEV-010)

Preparation of additional information will be required, an additional information checklist is found on the above form.

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to  or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Building Surveyors will assess your application. You will be contacted if additional information in required (this may slow processing times down).

5. Approval of application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Building Department. If approved, approval paperwork will be issued. Your approval may include a number of conditions specific to the work being proposed; these conditions will identify the stages at which inspections will be required to be undertaken prior to the covering or back-filling of the work.

6. Inspection/s 

All required inspections must be booked with Council at least two days prior to needing the inspection. Missing an inspection can lead to delays and/or works not being able to be approved. Orders can be issued by council to stop work and fix any errors.

7. Determination 

If all construction works are approved, Council will issue final paperwork confirming works were carried out in line with the consent. 

Water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage works

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required to connect or disconnect from any of Council’s sewer, stormwater or water systems.

1. Prepare

Fill out this application form found on Council's forms page

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part B - Water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage work (DEV-007)

Preparation of additional information may be required. An additional information checklist is found on the above form.

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to  or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department. If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Building Surveyors and/or Water and Wastewater team will assess your application. You will be contacted if additional information in required (this may slow processing times down).

5. Approval of Application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions specific to the work being proposed; these conditions will identify the stages to which inspections will be required to be undertaken prior to the covering or back-filling of the work.

6. Inspection/s 

All required inspections must be booked with Council at least two days prior to needing the inspection. Missing an inspection can lead to delays and/or works not being able to be approved. Orders can be issued by council to stop work and fix any errors.

7. Determination 

If all construction works are approved, Council will issue final paperwork confirming works were carried out in line with the consent. 

Draw water from Councils water supply or standpipe

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval of Council is required to draw water from Councils water supply and sell water as a commercial water carter.

Check out our webpage for information about operating a business in our shire as a Water Carters or Private Water Supplier.

1. Prepare

Fill out the below application form found on Council's forms page:  

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part B - Water Supply - Draw water from a Council water supply or a standpipe or sell water so drawn (DEV-016)

2. Apply

Lodge your application by sending it to  or by bringing in a hard copy to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card. 

4. Inspection

Our Customer and Business Services department will liaise with you (the applicant) when booking in a time for an inspection of your equipment. You can request either a morning or afternoon inspection.

5. Issue of Approval

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development and Compliance Department. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions which must be strictly complied with.

Install a manufactured home, movable dwelling or associate structure on land

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required if you are planning to install a manufactured home, movable dwelling or associate structure on land.

This application can also be used to accompany a Development Application for the siting of a manufactured home or moveable dwelling on private property.

Please also be advised that any associated structure that is added to the manufactured home or moveable dwelling (for example a deck or carport) that is not classified as exempt development (under the SEPP Exempt and Complying Development Codes 2008) will require additional approval through a Construction Certificate application.

1. Prepare

Fill out this application form found on Council's forms page

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part A - Other Activities - Install a Manufactured Home or Movable Dwelling or Associated Structures on land (DEV-009)

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Development and Compliance Department will assess your application. You will be contacted if further information in required (this may slow processing times down).

5. Approval of Application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development and Compliance Department. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions specific to the work/activity being proposed, which must be strictly complied with.

6. Inspection/s 

All required inspections must be booked with Council at least two days prior to needing the inspection. Missing an inspection can lead to delays and/or works not being able to be approved. Orders can be issued by council to stop work and fix any errors.

7. Determination 

If all construction works are approved, Council will issue final paperwork confirming works were carried out in line with the consent.




Operate a caravan park or camping ground

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required if you are planning to operate a caravan park or camping ground. 

New manufactured home estates or caravan parks must have development consent before applying for an approval to operate. 

1. Prepare

Fill out this application form found on Council's forms page

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part F - Other Activities - Operate a Caravan Park or Camping Ground (DEV-015)

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Development and Compliance Department will assess your application. You will be contacted if further information is required (this may slow processing times down).

5. Approval of Application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development and Compliance Department. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions specific to the work/activity being proposed, which must be strictly complied with.

6. Inspection/s 

All required inspections must be booked with Council at least two days prior to needing the inspection. Missing an inspection can lead to delays and/or works not being able to be approved. Orders can be issued by council to stop work and fix any errors.

7. Determination 

Council will issue final paperwork confirming works/conditions were carried out in line with the consent.

Install a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance (fireplace)

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required if you are planning to install a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance.

This application is not required if approval for installation has already been granted as part of a Development Application.

1. Prepare

Fill out this application form found on Council's forms page

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part F - Other Activities - Install a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance, other than a portable appliance (DEV-012)

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Development and Compliance Department will assess your application. You will be contacted if further information in required (this may slow processing times down).

5. Approval of Application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development and Compliance Department. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions specific to the work/activity being proposed, which must be strictly complied with.

NOTE: At completion of installation, you are required to submit an installers Certificate of Compliance.




Use of community land or a public road

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required if you are planning to use community land or a public road to conduct any of the below activities:

Part D - Community land

  1. Engage in a trade or business
  2. Direct or procure a theatrical, musical or other entertainment for the public
  3. Construct a temporary enclosure for the purpose of entertainment
  4. For fee or reward, play a musical instrument or sing
  5. Set up, operate or use a loudspeaker or sound amplifying device
  6. Deliver a public address or hold a religious service or public meeting

Part E - Public roads

  1. Swing or hoist goods across or over any part of a public road by means of a lift, hoist or tackle projecting over the footway
  2. Expose or allow to be exposed (whether for sale or otherwise) any article in or on or so as to overhang any part of the road or outside a shop window or doorway abutting the road, or hang an article beneath an awning over the road.

1. Prepare

Fill out this application form found on Council's forms page

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part D & E - Community Land and-or Public Roads (DEV-011) 

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Development and Compliance Department will assess your application. You will be contacted if further information in required (this may slow processing times down).

5. Approval of Application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development and Compliance Department. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions specific to the work/activity being proposed, which must be strictly complied with.

6. Inspection/s

Inspections without notice of the activities may be undertaken to ensure compliance with the approval. Orders can be issued by Council to cease activities if not being carried out in line with the consent. A person who carries out an activity otherwise than in accordance with an approval is guilty of an offence.


Other activities

Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 approval from Council is required for a wide range of activities. A list of the relevant activities that are covered using this application are listed below.

Part F: Other Activities

  • Operate a public car park
  • Operate a manufactured home estate
  • Install or operate amusement devices
  • Use a standing vehicle or any article for the purpose of selling any article in a public place
  • Carry out an activity prescribed by the regulations, or an activity of a class or description prescribed by the regulations

1. Prepare

Fill out this application form found on Council's forms page

BSC - Local Government (S.68) Application Part F - Other Activities (DEV-013)

2. Apply

You can lodge your application by sending in your documents to or by bringing in hard copies to our Council Administration building. 

3. Pay

Lodgement fees will be calculated by Councils Customer and Business Services Department.  If you submit your form via email, you will receive a phone call from our team who can process the payment over the phone via Credit Card. Alternatively, you can bring the form into Council's Administration Centre and pay via cash or credit card.

4. Assessment

Our Development and Compliance Department will assess your application. As this application is general in nature, our assessing officer will be in touch with you regarding what other specific additional information may also be required for your particular activity.

5. Approval of Application

Your application will either be Determined (approved) or refused by the Development and Compliance Department. If approval is granted, an approval notice will be issued. Your approval notice may include a number of conditions specific to the work/activity being proposed, which must be strictly complied with. 

6. Inspection/s

If an inspection needs to be booked by the applicant as detailed in the consent, it must be booked with Council at least two days prior to needing the inspection. 

Inspections may also be undertaken (without prior notice) to ensure compliance with the approval. Orders can be issued by Council to cease activities if not being carried out in line with the consent. A person who carries out an activity otherwise than in accordance with an approval is guilty of an offence. 


7. Determination 

If required, Council will issue final paperwork confirming works/conditions were carried out in line with the consent.


Building Information Certificate

An application for a Building Information Certificate (BIC) is typically made when unauthorised building works have been carried out.