Heritage Grants


The Bellingen Shire Local Heritage Assistance Fund was established by Council, in conjunction with the NSW Government Office of Environment & Heritage, to assist in the conservation and restoration of items of heritage significance within the Bellingen Shire.

If you are an owner of a heritage listed property, or a property with other heritage values, you are now invited to apply for funding towards conservation or restoration projects as part of the 2024-2025 Heritage Assistance Program. Successful applicants are required to contribute an equal amount of funding towards the project and all works must be completed, in accordance with conditions of approval, by 30 April 2025.

Applications for assistance are being sought from Wednesday 31 July 20224 up until 4.30pm on Friday 30 August  2024. Please ensure you read the guidelines before you apply.

Read the guidelines(PDF, 275KB)

 Apply now