Bellingen Shire Council is committed to delivering great service to our customers and working in partnership with our community.
In providing services to you, we will:
- be respectful, proactive and friendly
- listen and actively seek solutions
- provide consistent, accurate and timely information
As customers, you can help us by:
- providing relevant and accurate information
- treating staff with respect and courtesy
- respecting the privacy and rights of other community members
All staff at Council are ‘customer service officers’ and will make themselves available to listen to and answer your questions and concerns.
Staff can be contacted during office hours by telephone, email and pre-arranged appointments, as well as generally to attend to customer enquiries at the counter. When enquiries of a technical or specialised nature cannot be answered immediately, a detailed message will be forwarded to the relevant staff member and they will contact you as soon as possible.
While we respect the rights of our customers to express their views, we will not tolerate abusive language, threatening or aggressive behaviour towards staff or other customers.

Makes the need of the community and key stakeholders a primary focus of their actions, strives for standards of excellence and superior service.
Models Council’s values, takes responsibility for successfully completing projects or tasks, demonstrates initiative and a ‘can do’ mindset.
Works with others in a way that acknowledges and values their skills, contribution and perspective.
Identifies opportunities and takes action to build collaborative and cooperative relationships with others in order to achieve common goals.
Acts in accordance with sound moral and ethical principles and displays honesty and sincerity.
Contributes towards the achievement of Council’s goals through consistent and effective interactions with others.
Connect with us to find out what’s happening at Council and what we’re doing around the Shire. Why not:
Help shape decisions for our community. You can get involved by:
attending Council meetings
completing surveys and giving feedback on through our engagement hub Create
making an appointment to speak with the Mayor or Councillors
making an appointment to speak with relevant Council staff
Email or phone 02 6655 7300 about the issues important to you
attending a public meeting or forum to discuss specific issues
joining a Council committee or project reference group
coming to chat with us when you see our pop-up stalls in the community
Your feedback is valuable. We would like to hear from you whether you have a request for service, compliment, a complaint or suggestion.
We always welcome feedback about projects Council has delivered and ideas on how we can improve our services.
You can also let us know when we need to take action to fix something or to request a service.
You can let us know by completing the online form.
Our friendly Customer Service team is here to help and staff are available Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm excluding Public Holidays.
There are a range of ways you can contact us:
Visit our website
Send us an email
By phone
Give us a call on 02 6655 7300
In person or by mail
Come and see us at 33 Hyde Street, Bellingen, Monday to Friday 8:30pm to 4:30pm
Write a letter and post to PO Box