Clean Up Australia Day 5th March
Published on 15 February 2023
Clean Up Australia day is almost here again on March 5th. Council is proud to support this great event and encourages everyone to get involved and sign up for their local event or create their own by regestering online. Registration is free, and participants receive a free Clean Up kit, containing gloves and bags and other resources, with packs for individuals, families and community groups available
Some dedicated community groups have already registered and are looking for volunteers to help clean up our natural environment. If you have an area that you are interested in cleaning up or your want to volunteer at a site please go to
Registering a local site and participating is a great way to get rid of rubbish that is accumulating on neighbourhood streets and beaches, in parks, bushland and waterways.
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 5 March, 2023
Schools Clean Up Day – Friday March 3, 2023
Business Clean Up Day – Tuesday February 28, 2023