Gleniffer Gathers: Uniting Community Resilience

Published on 14 November 2023

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The recent rain failed to deter the community organisers of Gleniffer Gathers, a gathering that aimed to foster community unity, build relationships, and address disaster resilience.

After an NCN disaster event in April, community member Rosi Klass wanted to take things further, and approached Council’s Recovery Officer about what they can do to bring people together to connect on these important issues.

"Connecting people in a grassroots way really lights me up," said Rosi Klass, the community organiser of Gleniffer Gathers. Tapping into her skills gained running the Women Who Farm network MNC, Rosi connected with Council’s Community Resilience Team to initiate a series of events in Gleniffer.

“We started with the idea of having small neighbourhood cuppas. A group of 10 volunteer residents got together to host a cuppa at their place. Over 100 people in Gleniffer community attended those small groups. We were highlighting meeting each other, sharing information, local knowledge, celebrating our community and talking about important issues”.

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Following these small-scale gatherings, the concept for the Gleniffer Gathers event took shape. Numerous organisations, including NCN, Never Never Catchment Group, Gleniffer Community Association, Friends of Tuckers Nob, Red Cross, Yurruungga Aboriginal Corp, Bellingen Shire Council, and the RFS, played a pivotal role by providing information and facilitating the event. Community members put forward ideas such as Welcome Packs for new residents, monthly suppers, social events at the Hall, and a Community Helper register.

Attendees of the event shared their thoughts, with many highlighting the strength of the Gleniffer community. Brett Harrison, a local resident expressed, "I learned that the Gleniffer community is strong. Its great to come together." Others found value in the RFS's insights into fire ratings and preparedness, while some long-term residents discovered previously unknown community groups. One attendee praised the growing sense of community, stating, "I think it's wonderful that the Gleniffer community is coming together for a variety of reasons. I'm very impressed by this afternoon."

The Gleniffer Community Association have offered to help take forward new ideas from the community ensuring that the sense of community remains strong and facilitated through its central meeting place, the community-owned Hall.

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Mayor Steve Allan acknowledged the remarkable efforts of the Council's Resilience Team and the local community members, stating, "Having dedicated community members lead these initiatives ensures that the values of the community remain at the core of what we do. It's fantastic to see Gleniffer embrace this challenge, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to the community members who work tirelessly to nurture and grow these community ties."

The Gleniffer community are invited again to gather on November 18th for the Gleniffer Bush Dance. For those interested in similar initiatives, the Council's Resilience Team can be reached at 6655 7300 or via email at For more information for Gleniffer residents email Rosi Klass