Products and services

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Where you shop and what you chose to buy (or not buy) makes a huge difference to your ecological footprint. Minimise your impact by following these five key principles:

Consider the full life cycle of a product
Sometimes the true cost of a product is not reflected in the initial purchase price. Consider how long a product will last, its ongoing operating and maintenance costs and what will happen when the product reaches the end of its useful life. This will allow you to compare different brands and make the most sustainable choice.

Look for verification
With so many different products and ‘green’ claims it can be easy to get confused. Look for third party certification, such as Australian Certified Organic, Certified Carbon Neutral or Australian Forestry Standard to make sure that any green claims have been verified. View the Eco Label Index for a comprehensive list of green certification schemes.

Buy local produce and products

Food that travels a long way from production to plate generally produces more transport-related greenhouse gas emissions. You can reduce your food miles by shopping locally.

We are lucky to have many local food producers in the Bellingen Shire. Check out the Bellingen Growers Market and the Bellingen Farmers and Producers Market for local seasonal produce. For other local products check out the Bellingen Markets, the Made in Dorrigo Markets and the Urunga Riverside Markets. Many of our local shops also stock local produce and products. You can encourage others to shop locally with a Shop Local Gift Card.

Be picky about packaging

The best packaging is none at all. Some local shops, such as Kombu Wholefoods, let you bring your own containers to stock up on pantry items such as museli, nuts and grains.

If you must buy something with packaging look for compostable or recyclable packaging. Compost packaging at home (this cannot go in FOGO) and make sure other packaging can be recycled by familiarising yourself with the Coffs Coast Waste Guide.

Embrace a circular economy

In a circular economy products are either reused, remanufactured or recycled after they have served their initial purpose. This helps to tackle global problems like climate change, loss of biodiversity and waste generation.

There are plenty of opportunities to embrace a circular economy in the Bellingen Shire such as shopping at op shops for second-hand clothing and goods, buying recycled timber from a local supplier, shopping at or donating items to the Bowerhouse Community Reuse Shop or returning your containers via Return and Earn.