Community Update: Sewering Coastal Villages Project – Mylestom Pump Station Feedback
Thank you to everyone who attended the recent Community Information Session at Mylestom Hall on Saturday 30 November 2024 and has since provided subsequent feedback to Council. We value your input and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns regarding the proposed location of the pump station in Mylestom.
Below, we have outlined responses to the key topics raised:
Location and Design of Mylestom Pump Station
Council have carefully considered the location of the pump station in Mylestom during the design and development of the project. Council is committed that the proposed location is the optimal location to best service the community. The location offers key advantages:
Based on community feedback, Council have made changes to the pump station to minimise the layout and extent of works. Council have developed modelling of the pump station to better inform the community of the visual impact of the works. Council is committed to ongoing discussions with the Surf Club to minimise the extent of works and consider further works such as plant screening and fencing.
In consideration of this communication, publicly available information around the Sewering Coastal Villages project included advice as to the proposed location for the pump station in Mylestom – which has been consistent since 2019.
The pump station will incorporate modern odour control technology, and its design will aim to integrate with the surrounding environment.

ABOVE: 3D concept design – subject to change.

ABOVE: Current area at the Surf Club.

ABOVE: 3D concept design – subject to change.
Rainbow Bee-Eater Nesting Grounds
The Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus) are a valued part of our natural environment and Council has considered their presence during the project planning. The works are approved under Part 5, Division 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Rainbow Bee-eater are listed as a ‘Marine’ species under the EPBC Act and subsequently an assessment in accordance with Significant impact guidelines 1.1 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, is not required.
However, taking on board feedback from community members, Council has included the Rainbow Bee eater within the assessment and included the following additional mitigation measures:
- Scheduling works to commence after the bird’s breeding season (approximately February)
- Requiring an ecologist to specifically confirm the work area is clear of nests prior to commencing works
- Engaging additional ecological expertise to ensure habitat protection and appropriate mitigation strategies
- No nesting birds will be relocated.
Environmental considerations remain a priority, and we will continue working with specialists to safeguard biodiversity.
For further information or updates, please keep an eye on the project website or contact Council ( or 02 6655 7300).